Interview Questions

The below questions are asked by various companies.

#Wipro Technologies

1. What is Data Science ?
2. What is difference between data science and artificial intelligence ?
3. what is Probability distribution ?

#Positive Edge Technologies

1. what is mean, median and mode ?
2. what is variance and how to calculate standard deviation ?
3. what is sampling and different sampling techniques ?
4. what is cost function ?
5. what is least square method ?
6. what is true positive signifies in confusion matrix?
7. how do you select the model?


1. What is decision tree and how it works ?
2. Difference between decision tree and random forest?
3. what is hyper parameter tuning ?

#Vistaar Finance

1. what is regression?
2. what is residuals ?
3. what is life cycle of ds ?
4. what is difference between linear and logistic regression?


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